Writer : Vance Hall 밴스 홀 Date : 2010-08-10 Hit : 432
10th Co 3rd Btn 2nd ROK Marine Bde lives on

A current 1st ANGLICO officer, Capt "Fighting Joe" Davis, emailed me the photo below.  This is a plaque that is in the 1st ANGLICO Officer's Mess (dining area) of 1st Battalion, Coldstream Guard.  One of the photos (guess which one) shows the 10th Company command group, including me, ANGLICO Cpl CJ Williams, and Capt Yoon, Choon-woong, during the 1968 Tet offensive, northeast of Hoi An.


The plaque is among the many historical images that are intended to inspire today's ANGLICO officers.  What an honor for me, and for the Korean Marines to be represented in this manner.


A photo of this is also shipped with gifts to allied units with which 1st ANGLICO has recently served, Capt Davis advises.


Long live the KMC!


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