Writer : Joe Nawrozki Date : 2011-07-23 Hit : 500

Jae and friends:


Hello and I hope that your summer season is much better than this last part of July here. Today in Baltimore -- combined temperature, humidity and dew point equalled 118 degrees. This knockout weather system has swept across the country and hopefully will ride out to sea in a couple days. Although we have August to deal with, come on autumn!!


I mentioned this to Jae but speaking of August, I will have the honor of being reunited with my first taekwondo master -- who instructed me in Vietnam -- and who now has a number of dojangs in Canada. The occasion is his 35th anniversary of teaching taekwondo there and coaching the national team. We haven't seen each other in nearly 40 years. He gave me my roots in the art and my first dobuk, made from an army bed-sheet and blue belt fashioned from a medic shirt.


All the best, stay cool.


Jae(정재성)  2011/08/09 22:47:04 [Reply] modify delete
Hi Joe,it is really astonishing story that temperature in your place went up to a killing degree of 118 F which we've never even thought of. If that happens here in Korea, I assume at least 1/3 of our population would be possibly reduced. I have already introduced your kind words to the ROK friends along with translation.
I hope you will enjoy meeting your master in 40 years in Canada. Thanks.
joe nawrozki  2011/08/27 10:15:18 [Reply] modify delete
Hi Jae,

I came here to visit Gen. Han, the hero of Duc Co, and read your comment about the hot temperature in Baltimore in late July. I didn't mean to mis-lead you but we did not reach the combined temperature/humidity of 118 degrees -- otherwise, the raw eggs in all of the supermarkets would've been fried.

But Mother Nature has been playing with us in this last week. We experienced a 5.9 earthquake and this weekend are preparing for the unpredictable path of Hurricane Irene. She can either cause mass havoc -- flooding, damage to buildings/subways/bridges and loss of life -- along the East Coast of the U.S., or be blown out to sea.

Let's keep fingers crossed. It was great talking on the phone tonight with our usual good conversation and allowed me to once again express my profound appreciation of your kindness to my student Emily. You, Mr. Lee and Mr. Song recognized that as part of her two-week scholarship tour of Korea, that occasion would be a momentous snapshot of a time that will forever dwell in her spirit.

Also, I hope your trip to Inchon was peaceful.


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