Writer : Jae-sung Chung Date : 2016-03-07 Hit : 192
It's nothing but just a honeyed poison


It's nothing but just a honeyed poison

We, the citizens of the Republic of Korea still vividly remember an address delivered in early 1970’s by the late President Park Jung-hee. In his remarks televised throughout the nation, the late President Park strongly emphasized that dialogues and negotiations especially with the Communists are only possible when we are in a dominant position in terms of power. It is an imperishable truth, particularly to a divided country like South Korea which has been facing a formidable foe for nearly 70 years.


Recently we were surprised to hear that the North Korean regime, right after their fourth nuclear test, had secretly proposed to a peace treaty on the Korean peninsula to the United States in an effort to replace the existing Armistice Agreement signed in 1953. The reason why the NK regime has long called for the peace agreement to substitute the Armistice Agreement on the Korean peninsula is self explanatory. Their treacherous scheme has always consisted of a deceptive sugar-coated bait to unify Korean peninsula by force if the United States completely pulls out its troops from South Korea.


In connection with the peace agreement, we have already experienced a clear cut lesson from the one signed between Henry Kissinger, then the US President Nixon's National Security Advisor and Le Duc Tho of North Vietnam on January 27,1973.  In fact, before the official conclusion of the Paris Accord, it was known that South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu was highly outraged with the outcome of the secret negotiations made between Dr. Kissinger and North Vietnamese representative, Le Duc Tho. President Thieu absolutely refused to accept

the draft treaty unless there were significant changes.


As for the stern refusal from the South Vietnamese President Thieu, US President Nixon was known to have pledged an enormous amount of military support to South Vietnam promising to help it if North Vietnam violates the agreement, which means President Thieu unwillingly agreed to the treaty due to the pressure from the United States. What happened to South Vietnam later? The North Vietnam communists had shamelessly set the Paris Peace Agreement aside, and Saigon finally fell on April 30, 1975, two years after the Paris Agreement was inked. Apparently the United States failed to keep its promise. Both Kissinger

and Le Duc Tho were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their outstanding role in securing the Peace Agreement. However, the North Vietnamese representative, Le Duc Tho refused to receive it. People concerned should have seriously taken his declining as an indicator of his strategy.


We, the Koreans can hardly deny a fact that there would be an another peace treaty agreement on Korean peninsula like the Paris Accord concluded in 1973. For this reason, our government and people need to unite in unanimity and stay alert 24/7 to prevent any of peace agreement negotiation from being initiated without our knowledge. We are now confronted with harsh reality in securing our own security between the regional powers. Let's keep in mind that the peace initiative that was proposed to the United States by the NK communist regime is totally beneath our notice because it is just a honeyed poison. 


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