Writer : Jae-sung Chung Date : 2015-10-04 Hit : 795
A Dramatic Reunion in Half a Century

I was commissioned as an army second lieutenant and assigned as a platoon leader of the ROK 1st Infantry Division then located at a remote front area in late 1960s. At the same time, a promising and energetic young 2nd lieutenant, a Korea Military Academy 25th graduate, Ahn Choung-jun came to the division as a recon platoon leader. Lieutenant Ahn's duty assignment was later changed to an aide-de-camp for the division commander, brigade general Moon Hong-gu while my assignment was switched to the division signal staff officer.


Lieutenant Ahn and I became so quickly familiar with each other that we, from time to time, spent weary weekend hours hitting the booze at my tiny lodging house just outside the barracks or having coffee at a small coffee shop in the countryside village.

A year later we both were promoted to the rank of the 1st lieutenant.


We happened to lose contact from the end of 1970 due to division's movement to a new forward defense area.


In the meantime, very recently I could hear about lieutenant Ahn's whereabouts from one of his KMA seniors that he lives in the outskirts of Seoul after being retired as major general from the army.

It was in the evening of October 1, 2015 that we both were finally able to reunite in about fifty years. Waiting for me more than 30 minutes prior to my arrival at the station exit, the retired general gladly welcomed me offering his hand with a broad smile. Although half a century has passed, it wasn't difficult for me to find former looks from his present appearance.


Sharing a bottle of wine at a well known restaurant, we began recollecting various good old memories. During the conversation, my old friend proudly explained that he was assigned as the PKO commanding general headquartered in Cashmere between India and Pakistan in early 2002. He added that it was an ever first case for a Korean general officer to command foreign troops abroad.


Listening to his lengthy explanation on military career, I was able to confirm without question that general Ahn had achieved brilliant accomplishments as a true soldier at home and abroad. I am sure that such outstanding achievements must have been stemmed from his unparalleled high discipline, morale and leadership that he had displayed in early stages. His continued story was enough to let me feel proud to be one of his old buddies. We promised to get in touch as often as we could from now on.

After the dinner we walked back to the station where my friend still came down to the station platform to see me off. He was waving his hands until the subway car's door was completely closed. It was a moment that I could feel his unchanged sweetness shown to me in uniform five decades ago. I wish him good health and prosperity in the years to come.

CHOUNG JUN AHN  2015/10/04 23:29:02 [Reply] modify delete
Thank You! Good Luck!
God Bless Friend & Mrs Jung !!!
Jae-sung Chung  2015/10/04 23:29:02 수정 삭제
I appreciate your kind wishing.
I too wish you a brighter future with excellent health.
Vance Hall  2015/10/05 07:17:32 [Reply] modify delete
What a happy story! I imagine that you two shared many memories as well as family and career developments since 1970. Congratulations!
Jae-sung Chung  2015/10/05 07:17:32 수정 삭제
Thanks Vance. It is getting chilly in the morning and the evening here in Korea. How about in Tulsa?
Yes, it was a fantastic reunion in about 50 years. We remembered countless things we had experienced together at the countryside village. When he completed his duty assignment as the commanding general of the 3rd infantry division, then President Kim Young-sam selected him to serve as the first PKO commander from ROK at the UN's request. I am highly proud of him.
Fred Alvis  2015/10/11 08:25:05 [Reply] modify delete
Great story and meeting oldf riends brings back many good memories. He has done well, but so have you. Two warriors, one story.
Jae-sung Chung  2015/10/11 08:25:05 수정 삭제
Hey Alvis, it has been pretty long time since we last communicated. How have you been so far? Be healthy my friend! Thanks for your dropping by.
Chesslie Neal  2015/10/11 08:27:48 [Reply] modify delete
Amazing how friendships forged in combat are strong enough to weather the decades between greetings, "Brother's in Arm's " is much more than words its a kindship that never dies, loved your story, happy for both of you, God Bless.
Jae-sung Chung  2015/10/11 08:27:48 수정 삭제
Thanks Mr. Neal. I regard General Ahan as not only my best friend but a Korea\'s great patriot who has achieved an unusual feat.
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