Writer : Mick Date : 2010-12-14 Hit : 645
Do You Ride a Motorcycle???

Hi Brothers!


I was wondering if any of you guys ride motorcycles as a hobby?   I ride my Harley-Davidson m/c has a hobby, but also ride it to support other Veterans.  I am a life member of the VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars), the American Legion, DAV (Disabled American Veteran) and the Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA).  The Legion sponsors a group called the Legion Riders, and many of us combat vets ((as you guys are too)), adorn our bikes with campaign ribbon banners, as shown below. 


My question was ... do any of you guys ride motorcycles for a hobby?


In my view, riding a motorcycle (an iron horse), is like experiencing what John Wayne use to feel like, when he rode his big horse.)


AOL is telling me I cannot post the pics right now ... email to follow with pics of my bike, etc. ...






Jae-sung Chung  2010/12/15 22:23:06 [Reply] modify delete
There are little veterans who ride motor cycle in Korea, but very limited veterans probably are enjoying.
However, there are quite a few young manias for m/c riding in Korea thogh its number is uncomparable to that of the United States. As it might be similar in the States, it is very expensive to have such huge ones in Korea. Your license plate is something fantastic.
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